Eating patty

 Later I'm going to eat a beef patty for my breakfast. I love my lover so much. Anyways, I was accusing my ex lover when he's always there for me. I feel very well intended towards him, and I feel a little bit guilty. 

I'm such a lucky girl, my lovers are always such adorable people. When I'm such an unlikable person, a bit savage, lack of common sense, sometimes desperate, very clingy, doesn't have the best self confidence but do have a temper, but obedient at the same time. Worst combo ever.

And my lovers are always hot and cute and capable and knows people, knows how to handle me, some of my friends too.

Anyways, today Imma do homework right, and eat a patty for breakfast, later I'm going to eat my own food so avoid buying a lunch, the meal I brought I cooked it myself. 

And I need to cancel on hello fresh so they don't send me food

Hope I do a good job at my homework 


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