I hate those who rejects me
I try so hard, I literally worked really hard everyday, but keeps on getting rejected
But you know what, I'm gonna not focus on these things, sigh.
I should just stay home and send out resume tomorrow, I'm gonna eat oat meal and bread for lunch and breakfast
I know one of the places rejected me is because I went out and got a pizza, can you believe it? But what was I doing getting the pizza? I'm reading for my next YouTube video
Anyways, tomorrow dinner I'm gonna eat KEG. I should be getting my tax return soon, could come any day.
I know I shouldn't blog on my website about these negative things. I'm gonna stop logging for awhile on my website
I want the job, but at the same time I don't wanna take shit. This is what's going on. I can hard work, do my homework, prepare for the interview, I spend 30 min for each cover letter I wrote, sometimes up to one hour. So I'm not going to take these attitude from these interviewers
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