
Showing posts from April, 2024

My Life Recently

 Today's Master Class on writing I learned writing in first person, people will have a much higher expectation. Every Master Class I learned something.  Recently I've been struggling with loneliness, I think the only solution to it is to find a job. Once I found a job I'll have the money to go to dance class, to travel somewhere to volunteer, I think I really wish to do these few things:  1. Dance class , 2. In person volunteer, 3. Church, 4. Go to accounting class in person (If I'm working full time or I can't find a job and is on ODSP, then I'll take self paced accounting class online)  Maybe I'll find a reading club too, but reading clubs are usually boring,  5. Soccer one on one with some body 6. Go to the gym and practice modelling So these are the things I want to do once I got a job or ODSP.  If for some reason I can't find a job and only have ODSP, then I'll: 1. read and do book reviews on YouTube, 2. Write a book 3. Take self paced accountin

About Life recently

 I don't know why things are the way it is now, it seems I'm being very unlikable and I don't really know what I did is so unlikable. I think maybe it's because I kept on wanting to have breaks and treat myself, I didn't end up taking a break, but I did treat myself, I end up used 2/3 of the budge I plan to for the rest of the month. I hope everything would workout, my job, my business, and my reading. I so don't feel like reading now. Not sure if I should go with the flow and do what I feel like doing at the moment or push myself a little bit I think next week I would send out a lot of resumes and do a lot of contribution to my business, and postpone my reading, since I can't concentrate, and read over the next weekend

Music Artist that Inspires me

 I would say Faye Wong is on the top of my list, she's so rebellious and so subtle about it, her voice is very un-cringe, and her concert is always very inspiring, that I owned her last concert DVD before she stopped singing in 2003. As for visuals, I like Lee Hyori, I think her appearance is very impressive, she's not the prettiest, but she feel the prettiest, I think that's what guys like, if the person feels beautiful, and that's what I'm going for, many times in my life I don't feel the prettiest, maybe because of my dark skin, or my unconventional eyes, but looking at how pretty Lee Hyori feels when she also don't look conventional truly is inspiring. Another look I really like is Shania in the song Any Man of Mine, this free relaxed look is also something I want to go for, and the dance is so energized and so relaxing

I hate those who rejects me

 I try so hard, I literally worked really hard everyday, but keeps on getting rejected But you know what, I'm gonna not focus on these things, sigh. I should just stay home and send out resume tomorrow, I'm gonna eat oat meal and bread for lunch and breakfast I know one of the places rejected me is because I went out and got a pizza, can you believe it? But what was I doing getting the pizza? I'm reading for my next YouTube video Anyways, tomorrow dinner I'm gonna eat KEG. I should be getting my tax return soon, could come any day. I know I shouldn't blog on my website about these negative things. I'm gonna stop logging for awhile on my website I want the job, but at the same time I don't wanna take shit. This is what's going on. I can hard work, do my homework, prepare for the interview, I spend 30 min for each cover letter I wrote, sometimes up to one hour. So I'm not going to take these attitude from these interviewers