People keep on spitting shit everywhere, I'm no longer a punch bag

 I'm not looking for people 's opinion now, I'm looking for inspiration

13 years ago people already told me to stop caring, it's so yesterday. I don't give a damn, and fuck if Joe Osteen think he's so generous, I can understand English, he doesn't understand Chinese, I'm sharing some Chinese stuff he doesn't understand it, it's good stuff

But I'm not about to recklessly say "oh, I like this guy, I hate that person, I want to be this person's friend, blablabla" just example. See what I mean? I'm not about to be idiot

And you guys are forcing me to over share by challenging me saying "don't care so much" " I only rock to what's real" "she ain't half of the women I am" "you make mistakes, it sucks"..etc. to provoke me because you are desperate to want to know what I think

So why don't you shut the fuck up and shut your face and inspire, like what I'm doing? I never judge what you do, why do you?

What level is your soul?


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